Hi, I’m Tina
I see you, struggling the way I did, gaining and losing the same five pounds over and over. I see you, constantly adjusting your clothes because you don’t want a certain imperfection to be visible. I see you, frustrated with the fact that you have “tried EVERYTHING” and can’t seem to see results. I see you, because I was you.
After gaining over 100 pounds with my pregnancy, I spent the next 10 years trying everything I could to lose and maintain my weight. This was before “healthy at every size” and loving your unique body was a thing. I battled disordered eating, I worked out too much and I beat myself up for not looking the way I thought I needed to. My body was tired, depleted and couldn’t keep up.
It wasn’t until I released the idea of a “perfect” body and began to focus on how my body felt that I was able to see the changes I had been so desperately looking for. Through coaching I help my clients find the courage to take charge of their health, and find the foods and movement that help them feel their very best.
My Approach
“What gets measured gets managed” - Peter Drucker. By tracking data such as our food, movement, water, sleep, stress levels and others we can begin to create a picture of what is going on in our body and our life. We can use this data to learn how our habits have created our current situation and we can build new healthy foundational habits that will create change one step at a time.
Life is too short to live in a world where we feel restricted and tortured by food. If we can find a healthy balance that includes mostly whole foods that come from nature, we can find room for those little treats as well!
Our bodies crave movement and fitness looks different for everyone. What matters most is that we are moving our bodies in a way that is challenging yet enjoyable and sustainable for the long run.